Greg Clark Automotive Auto Repair Specialists


A+ Better Business Bureau Shop

Looking for a professional and reliable radiator flush service near you? Look no further than our expert team! We offer top-quality radiator flushing services to ensure that your car’s cooling system is running smoothly and efficiently. Our experienced technicians use advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to thoroughly flush out all the built-up debris and contaminants from your radiator, helping to prevent overheating and costly damage to your engine. With our convenient location and competitive pricing, we’re your go-to source for radiator flush service near you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

FREE Inspection and Diagnosis… We have the RIGHT tools and computers to pin point what is going on with your ride!

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Over 32 Years of Services

We offer the best prices on all our repair services. Have been for over 32 years!

Get a Free Inspection and Diagnosis even on the services listed below.

Water Pump

Radiator Flush & Repairs

Timing Belt

Heater Core Flush

Heater Core Replacement

Coolant Flush & Service